The Multispecies Salon
Multispecies ethnography was ushered into the academy with an art exhibit, The Multispecies Salon, that brought anthropologists and biologists into conversation with bioartists who were using living materials as a medium.
Select Exhibits
The Promise of Multispecies Justice
A new bioart exhibit, accompanying the publication of The Promise of Multispecies Justice, will take place in Mexico this December. Eben is curating the exhibit with Julieta Aranda (e-flux), Sophie Chao (University of Sydney), Liliana Riva Palacio (Proyecto Concentrarte), and Francisco Vergara-Silva (UNAM).
Participate in the ExhibitChemical Species
“A pop-up art exhibit at Princeton University in 2015, called “Chemical Species,” animated new ways of thinking about chemicals. At a hotel in Washington D.C. the “installation felt a bit like walking into a party,” according to a review by Cultural Anthropology . “Noisy, excited conversation filled the dark, hot room, which was lit by small, multicolored LED lights.” A bottle of bright pink Pepto-Bismol and a bowl of chalky pink tablets sat next to a hunk of a strange, almost otherworldly substance, cubic and hard, glittering blue, green, and pink. Curated with Nicholas Shapiro.
Emergent Ecologies
Emergent Ecologies brought over 90 artists together in a warehouse in Brooklyn, New York, where bioart installations, living sculptures, paintings, photographs, and digital media were all on display. Rather than be a static exhibit, that stayed the same from the opening and closing dates, the exhibit was an experiment to see what happens when galleries break down boundaries (and construct new ones) to produce new ecological communities. Curated with Lissette Olivares, Ellie Irons, Grace Glovier, Cody Kohn, Kayli Marshall, Greg Umali, Alexandra Palocz, Jeffrey Bussolini, and Cheto Castellano.
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Photos from the exhibit
The Multispecies Salon
“The Multispecies Salon picked up new elements, like new infectious spores, as the exhibit moved around the United States: from San Francisco, to New Orleans, before settling in New York City, where it featured in a cover story of Art Review Magazine. Curated with a swarm of creative agents.”

Original Bioart by Eben Kirksey

Adult Swim
Utopia for the Golden Frog

Utopia for the Golden Frog of Panama
Making Bubbles with Chytrids

Multispecies Migrations

The Frog Pregnancy Test